Calculate your salary

Please enter the Gross Annual Salary to start the calculation.
Please enter your age.
Please enter your age.

Net Annual Salary

0 €

IRPF withholding

0 €

Social Security withholding

0 €

Withholding Total

0 €

Net Monthly Salary ( You pay)

0 €
The amounts from the calculator are indicative and do not account for specific calculations related to professional categories, dependents, and other factors. We always recommend requesting a detailed case study from us; we will provide it free of charge and offer better guidance based on your inquiry.

How to use the calculator

The Net Salary Calculator requires some mandatory basic information, which includes: gross annual salary and age.

By default, mandatory data for accurate calculation, such as employment contract type or personal situation and dependents, is set to 0. These details can be updated according to your personal situation.

This tool is designed to gather more information for a more precise calculation of net salary, including the applicable IRPF rate. It primarily allows for the addition of data about dependents and ascendants, as well as recognized disability status.